Energy Healing Packages
Transform Your Well-Being with Our Energy Healing Packages
Are you looking to elevate your energy and achieve greater balance in your life? Our energy healing packages offer a holistic approach to wellness, addressing physical, emotional, and spiritual needs through energy healing techniques such as Reiki, chakra balancing, and EFT.
We offer three different energy healing packages, each designed to address specific areas of concern and promote overall well-being.
All of our energy healing packages are available at a discounted rate and can be scheduled over a period of weeks.
Our practitioners will work with you to create a personalised plan that addresses your specific needs and supports your overall well-being.
At Kindred Warrior, we believe that everyone deserves to experience the benefits of energy healing.
Contact us today to learn more about our energy healing packages and how they can support your journey toward greater balance and wellness.
Calm and Renew
Our Signature Stress Relief Package:
4 Sessions
This package is designed to help clients manage stress and achieve relaxation through a series of energy healing sessions and stress-reducing practices.
Our Stress Relief Package is designed to help you release tension and promote relaxation through a series of energy-healing sessions and guided meditation.
This package includes four energy healing sessions, each focused on balancing and clearing energy in the body that may be contributing to stress and tension
Heart & Soul
Emotional Healing Package
8 Sessions
The Emotional Healing Package is designed to help you release trapped emotions and promote emotional healing through energy healing sessions, mindfulness exercises, and emotional self-care tips.
This package includes eight energy healing sessions, each focused on releasing trapped emotions and promoting emotional balance.
Chakra Harmony
Chakra Balancing Package
6 Sessions
Our Chakra Balancing Package is designed to help you balance your chakras and promote overall well-being through a series of energy healing sessions and personalized guidance on chakra healing practices.
This package includes six energy healing sessions, each focused on balancing and clearing a specific chakra in the body. Additionally, our experienced practitioner (Stel) will offer personalised guidance on chakra healing practices that you can use at home to continue your chakra balancing practice.
We offer a variety of membership and class passes
choose the option that suites you